Jones the Graphics trading as Privacy Policy

Our contact details
Name: Jones the Graphics
Address: Byfield, Dinas Cross, SA420UY
Phone Number: 01348 811149

The type of personal information we collect

We currently collect and process the following information:

Personal identifiers (for example, name and contact details)

How we get the personal information and why we have it

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:

We also receive personal information indirectly, from the following sources in the following scenarios:

We use the information that you have given us in order to fulfil your online order.

We may share this information with HMRC if requested to.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:

How we store your personal information

Your information is securely stored.

We keep your purchase and contact details for 7 years from the date of your last contact with us. We will then dispose your information by deleting your details from our database and cross shredding any relevant paper work.

Your data protection rights

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

Please contact us at if you wish to make a request.

How to complain

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at

You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113
ICO website:

Email Newsletters

If you subscribe to our email newsletters, the information you enter will be collected and stored in an online database and stored securely. We will only ever use these details to send you our email newsletter. You are free to unsubscribe from these newsletters at will, full details are provided in every newsletter.